Ezt az interjút mindenki olvassa el, aki designer, vagy akit érdekel a design. A legérdekesebb rész az alábbi, de bennem pl. nagyon sok módon indított el gondolatokat ez az interjú, szóval tényleg érdemes.
"I would say there's a real myth that designers are not thinkers, or that they're not necessarily strategic. I always think of myself as a thinker, and I feel that you can apply your intelligence and your way of looking at the world to many different areas. It doesn't just have to be design—it could be town planning, it could be so many other different things. I feel that, as a designer, you can also be good at business. People think that designers don't think about the commercial aspects of things. But I think that design is a very broad profession. Because you are not an artist; you are working in the space in between. And I wish that the way architects have been able to create a space for themselves where they really influence what a city is—I think that designers need to get to that point where they're taken more seriously by other professions. And I think that's a role that designers need to create for themselves."